Rich posts on iPod Therapy at "Hello_World"
This sounds good.
I wish I had an iPod.
Which got me thinking (always a dangerous thing)
You do find this release in other ways.
The release concept itself is what is important.
So, fill in the blanks!
1 - Wait until dark
2 - Get your ........
3 - Head somewhere quiet (take a quick peek for neighbours)
4 - Select your ...........
5 - Turn it up
6 - Close your eyes
7 - Breathe deeply
8 - Go crazy!
How would you fill in the blanks?
As a runner, I would (and frequently have to)
1 - Wait until dark
2 - Put my yellow tights on (and other highly luminous running clothes)
3 - Pick a good route
4 - Head out the door
5 - After a good warm-up (at least a mile or so)
6 - Turn up the pace
7 - Imagine a good race
8 - Have a great finish with the crowd roaring in delight
Warm down, return home, update the milage log
Relax, enjoy the post run feeling, prepare for the next day
What do you do for your release?