Saturday, March 12, 2005


I have been blogging since September 2004 and some of the posts were my thoughts on running. To make it easier for runners to find these posts, I have created this blog to focus on running.

I have been running for over 30 years so I some experiences to share, some advice to offer. I'll post my running thoughts, advice on running, good information on running, favorite links, etc.

I coached at the high school level for 6 years and left high school coaching only because I switched jobs (from substitute teacher to call center operator). The "real" business world provides a better income for the family but does not have the same time allowances that the teaching schedule did. I have been unofficially coaching myself and others since then so I never really "left".

If you have any passion about the running you do, then we have something in common and you should like what you find here.

If you want to start running, this will be a place to get some good advice.

Effective blogging is a two-way conversation. I look forward to your feedback. Feel free to comment or send me an email.

May the roads be kind to you!