Sunday, September 09, 2007

Passionate Runner: Route Mapping Tool Survey

another in a series of podcasts on running, this one looking for participation to gather feedback on at least five websites that allow you to create a map of your running route so you can find out how long it is, share it, etc.

Time: 5 minutes, 26 seconds

MP3 File

Here are the questions that you can provide answers for to make our comparison of the currently 5 different web sites to map your running route.

For each site you can use the same set of six questions.

Be sure to include the site name with each set of your responses.

Site name:_____________________

Q1 - How easy was it to create your short (1 - 5 mile) run?
Easy, Okay, Hard (select one)

Q2 - How easy was it to create your long (6 - 26 mile) run?
Easy, Okay, Hard (select one)

Q3 - Can you name this route?
Yes, No (select one)

Q4 - Can you share this route?
Yes, No (select one)

Q5 - Would you recommend using this site?
Yes, No (select one)

Q6 - Why?
(please add some specifics that you liked or did not like about this site.)

What are the five sites?

Please send all responses to me (shersteve at gmail dot com) by Sep 23th!

I'll compile the results and publish them before the end of September.

Thanks for your help in this!