Sunday, February 26, 2006
Go Pacers!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Skipped hills Tuesday
Yes, I could have easily done about the same from where I was but the thought of going back up the hill to the car was a motivating factor.
The three mile loop was okay. I took it easy. My legs warmed up and stretched by the end but were still heavy and sore.
The legs are feeling more rested today. Looking forward to a good run tonight.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Foxboro 10
Saturday, February 18, 2006
New template today
Yes, it was about time. I needed I new look.
Work is busy or quiet, on or off, in or out, up or down, debit or credit.
Hey, all technology is even ones or zeros.
You get the idea.
So the new template is color themed green/white.
Green for the outdoors, the natural world where I run.
But rest assured, I will continue to try and run between, amongst, around, above, below, the line, etc.
With your help via comments, emails, and overall cooperative collaborative inspiration of course!
So that said: what do you think?Is this a keeper?
Let me know.
PS - with a little luck both Passionfor the Good Customer Experience and Steve's 2 Cents will get new looks this weekend also.
PSS - and many thanks to Thur Broeders for the template!
Friday, February 17, 2006
Long Weekend
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
More Route Mapping Software
I found Google Map Mania which is a collection of sites extending Google maps to applications you would not normally think of. On this site the "new" two route mapping sites are listed, and guess what, they are not alone.
There are more!
Check these out: Favorite Run Walk, Jog, Run
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Two for 6 on Tuesday
Running Community
For my entire adult life (and maybe even before, if you count my high school XC team) I have found/chosen/created an intentional family through running that has helped me feel seen and known and safe. Currently, my running brothers and sisters are the Trailheads and seejanerun, but at any given time in my life, it was always a running friend - out there on the trails or track or road, with real-life flesh and blood and sweat - “who was there to listen and be sorry with me, to be happy with me, to share all that there is to share.”
So, what does the future hold? At the Freihofer’s Master’s 5k National Road Championships in Albany, NY, I met a 75 year-old runner named Toshiko d’Elia. What an inspiration! Toshi ran a sub 3-hour marathon at age 50, a sub 7:00 mile at age 65, and is still going strong at age 75 … breaking the National 5k 75+ record with a 27:02. I told her a little bit of my story, mentioning how I once participated in an “elite distance runner’s” test study, only to discover the one category where I was near the top was foot plant. Not very glamorous, I laughed, foot plant. Toshi’s eyes glistened like Yoda’s when she prophesied, “You will have perfect foot plant in eternity.”
I left that meeting knowing the full impact of her words. Yes! Yes, Toshi, I know who I am and where I’m going. I will always be the “loser” who tries too hard and who risks having beer cans thrown at her, but I will keep on running – with perfect foot plant – into eternity.
Read the full About me section.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
FIRST Program - 1/2 Marathon Plan
Last August we published a three-day-a-week marathon-training program developed by researchers Bill Pierce and Scott Murr called the Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training program, or FIRST plan. After 16 weeks on this no-frills program, 13 veteran marathoners improved on their most recent times by an average of almost 20 minutes at the December 2004 Kiawah Island Marathon in South Carolina.It was the August issue where the FIRST program was written about by Amby Burfoot.
Avid readers are aware I have been running the FIRST program since September 2005 and doing quite well with it. I took my 5K PR down twice since I started and in addition ran PR's on 2 courses, bettering the previous year's time by almost 2 minutes in both cases. My mileage this year has been averaging over 20 per week and over 7 per day. The speed/pace day (Tuesday), the tempo day (Thursday) and the distance day (usually Sunday) have combined to bring my fitness level to a point where I was in my 20's. (Note, regular readers may recall that I am in my 50's now.)
The Pacers switched the long run from Sunday to Saturday this week, in advance of the blizzard and it was a good thing they did so. This was my second run at 13 miles since 1978 (the first was last week). We ran the same time as last week but this one felt so much better. After ensuring the group at the back of the pack knew the course, I used Vine St to catch the front pack. It felt good to be able to pick up the pace and catch them. It felt even better to be able to stay with them for the remainder of the run. It felt still better to feel that if the push came to it, I could still have found another gear.
So the FIRST program works. If you have not looked at it closely, I would encourage you to do so.
Only three days to run per week?
Yes, but the days are quality runs.
What kind of mileage can you reach?
Look at the marathon plan, they peak at 32 miles in a single week and then look at the results!
What about the results?
13 marathons improve their times by 20 minutes and in the second test, 14 of 17 marathons run PR's.
But I need the longer mileage?
You think you do, but you would better without it!
Why is the program successful?
Let me ask you this: Have you ever seen a home without doors or windows?
Good, I did not think so. Did you ever get hurt from resting?
Good, I did not think so.
What is the secret?
The secret to the program is proper rest. A big house doesn't do you any good with out a door to get in or out, or windows to open and let in the light and breeze. So the logic goes with the FIRST program: The days you run, you run quality. The days you rest, you are better prepared to run quality the next time you lace your shoes.
So it comes down to your choice: high mileage, multiple days, with results that depend upon staying healthy or three days, quality mileage, results almost guaranteed. (Nothing is ever a guarantee, even if they say so... there is no such thing in life as a real guarantee!)
This issue of Runner's World has a half marathon plan according to the FIRST program.
I also crafted a 10K plan and a 5K according to the FIRST program. Both were of shorter duration and based upon a fitness level of about 20 miles per week. If you need any modification to these plans for your own goal, let me know and I would be willing to craft one for you.
Wise choice
Sunday, February 05, 2006
2006 - New Milestones
The 13 miles today was also the longest single run I completed since... well, since 1978! Yes, lots of reasons for that but it felt good to do it today.
I had registered for the Hyannis Half-Marathon but won't be able to run it now that Carolyn has an accepted students overnight at St Michael's the same day. Instead, the week before, I'll run 10 mile course at the Foxboro Old-Fashioned 10 Mile put on by our partners at the Wampanoag RoadRunners.
Boston's Run to Remember in March will be my new race attempt for the half-marathon, not so much for the race but for the workout.
May the roads/trails be kind to you!
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Running Route Maps
As I continue to explore them, I'll compile my thoughts on the pluses and minuses of each.
You are most welcome to join in this discussion. Let me know what you like/dislike about each of these.
So far we have:
America's Running Routes
Gmaps Pedometer
If you have another one, let's throw that into the mix as well.
The more the merrier!