Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Hipcast - feed problems

For readers/listeners of Passionate Runner, apparently Hipcast, the podcast service I use is having a problem with the feed for this series. iTunes has the 10/7/07 posting but nothing since then and is returning an 8006 error when I try to update the podcast.

I have queries into them and am hopeful to get this resolved soon. In the meantime, the posts here can still be downloaded and listened to.

thanks for your patience!

Note: Feedburner is reporting this when I use the troubleshooter

Server returned HTTP Error 500: There was a problem retrieving the feed:
com.burningdoor.rsspp.resource.impl.HttpConnectionException: Error getting URL: 404 - Not Found

If anyone has any advice on how to resolve this, your help will be appreciated greatly!