Friday, October 07, 2005

The night before the night before

What's that again?

The night before the night before.

If we were playing Jeopardy, this would be the prompt to get the question "Before a race what nights sleep is most important?"

I hope Jeopardy is the right game, if not, I truly do not watch much TV so that will be my lame excuse.

With a race coming up for a number of the female Pacers, the Tufts 10K on Monday, the most important night for sleep will be Saturday.

Sunday night is the night before the race. Runners are normally in varying states of nervousness, which leads to restless sleep. This is not usually a problem for the race itself. The adrenaline that kicks in at the start is usually enough to compensate.

Usually that is, if you took the time to get a good nights sleep the night before the night before!

So sleep well Saturday, run well Monday!

Go Pacers!