Sunday, December 24, 2006

Covey:Blogging :: Sherlock:Coaching

From Mike Sanders who is also reading The 8th Habit by Stephen Covey, I find this posting on the whole person paradigm.

While Mike has made the analogy of Covey to blogging, I will extend the analogy to coaching. I think I used the proper analogy reference markers. If I did not, please feel free to correct me.

A coach needs to deal with the whole person to be successful. I will continue this line of thought specifically with reference to athletic coaching but I believe it can be done as well for personal coaching.

Mike writes: "The Whole-Person Paradigm recognizes that people are four dimensional - body, mind, heart and spirit. He maintains that all philosophy and religion, both Western and Eastern from the beginning of recorded time recognizes the same four dimensions physical/economic, the mental, the social/emotional and the spiritual."

Every athlete should be seen by the coach as a whole person. They come to the track, the field, the court, etc. with some basic talent or ability. They have an endowment of genes that can not be changed but can be developed to its fullest. There are physical limits to an athletes' development and the gene pool brings the primary one.

The capability of the athlete to accept advice, to set their own goals, to execute the plan (their training routine) is next in line. Their willingness is paramount. You, the coach, cannot motivate them. The motivation needs to come from within the athlete. The coach can develop an understanding of what is possible and help the athlete to work towards that goal but if you (the coach) think your going to motivate the athlete, or you (the athlete) think that the coach will motivate you: you both have the wrong idea.

The relationship between the coach and athlete needs to be open and honest. The world outside of the gym, off the track, wherever you are developing the physical part needs to be dealt with as well. This is part of the holistic approach. If something is going wrong elsewhere, it will affect the performance in either the practice or the competition. A careful balance between the inside (athletic world) and the outside (real world) needs to be kept. Ignoring this relationship will mean eventual disaster for the athletic relationship, if not also for the real world.

The holistic approach for coach and athlete can bring great satisfaction.

Note: this was found in draft and originally set for publication on Steve's 2 Cents on 12/26/04. Yes, two years ago. How embarrassing? On the one hand, I thought I managed my drafts well. Clearly this one slipped through. On the other hand, still a valid posting. I moved the draft to post here as this is the more appropriate place. Passionate Runner did not come into being until March 12, 2005.