- Most marathoners don't have the right time goal
- Most marathon runners fail to fold goal-pace running into their long runs
- Too many marathon runners try to carry out a long run every weekend
- Most marathoners fail to use sports drinks properly during the race
- Most marathon runners mix sports drinks with other things during the race
- Many marathoners fail to standardize their pre-race meal
- Too many marathoners try something new on race weekend
- Marathon runners don't taper properly before the race
- Too many marathoners emphasize volume of training over quality
- Too many marathoners forget that fitness is the ultimate predictor of marathon success
- Some marathoners actually think that walking during the race will improve their times
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Marathon Mistakes
Cool start
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Feed the Need 5K - May 13th, Franklin, MA
Feed The Need 5k Walk/Run
Feed the Need, Inc. is hosting another family 5k Walk/Run food drive for the Franklin Food Pantry. Besides the main run, we will have races for children, as well as, door prizes for all participants. Last year we collected around 1900 non-perishables for the pantry, please help us continue this tradition. The race location will be at the LDS church at 91 Jordan Road. On-site registration will be from 7-8:00 am. Or to save time, please pre-register at www.feedtheneed.org. The entry fee is 25 non-perishable food items and we will be giving race T-shirts to the first 100 people to drop-off goods.
Technorati Tags : run, running, RBF, 5K, feed+the+need
Latest on Carbo Loading
- In preparation for the race/event, do your normal training, then taper appropriately
- During your taper period, ensure that you switch to a high carb diet. Don't add calories, just switch to higher carbs, reducing fats and proteins proportionately
- During the morning on the day before the race/event perform
- a short-duration, high-intensity workout consisting of two and a half minutes at 130 percent of VO2max (about one-mile race pace) followed by a 30-second sprint.
- During the next 24 hours consume
- 12 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of lean muscle mass.
When you exercise vigorously almost every day, your body never gets a chance to fully replenish its glycogen stores before the next workout reduces them again. Only after 48 hours of very light training or complete rest are your glycogen levels fully compensated.
carbo-loading in general has been shown to enhance race performance only when athletes consume little or no carbohydrate during the race itself. If you do use a sports drink or sports gels to fuel your race effort -- as you should -- prior carbo-loading probably will have no effect.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Mountain biking in "Vietnam", MA
Tuesday, May 9, 2006 | Vietnam, Milford, MA—Merlin Trail Care SeriesEven if you don't normally ride the trails at these locations, its a great opportunity to meet those that do, lend a hand and maybe get out for a ride. Contact John Goeller for more information. |
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Dean College 10K Challenge
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Stretching the limit
Remind me please!
Monday, April 17, 2006
Boston's Great Day
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Getting fit as one gets older
THERE'S SOLID SCIENCE BEHIND WHY STRENGTH TRAINING works such rapid magic on midlife and older adults. After age 45, adults start losing about one-third to a half-pound of muscle and gain that much body fat every year, says Miriam Nelson of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. "Eventually you become so weak you can't walk up stairs or get out of a chair without assistance."In the late 1980s, Dr. Irwin Rosenberg, former dean of the Friedman School, coined the term "sarcopenia" to describe this loss of muscle mass. At the time, Tufts researchers were conducting landmark strength-training studies on older sedentary men and women, including frail 90-year-olds in nursing homes using walkers and canes. Participants trained the same way younger people do -- with progressively heavier weights. (Earlier studies on older adults had shown little improvement in strength, probably because lighter weights were used to avoid injury.) This time, volunteers worked at 80 percent of their capacity, using weights heavy enough to lift eight times with good form. After weight training three times a week for eight weeks, the volunteers increased their strength an average of 175 percent. Two women dumped their canes.
What is love?
- Waking up when you are ready
- Shoes that fit
- Weather that cooperates
- A course that challenges
- Companionship on the same course
- Satisfaction at the end
- Feeling refreshed
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Final Marathon Preparations
Boston Bound (Sometimes in order to measure up, you need to step back) RW Article
Enduring Questions - How Much Should You Drink During A Marathon? (You used to worry about not hydrating enough. But new studies say that too much could be even worse) RW Article
The Science Behind Bonking (When your body stalls mid-run, it's called bonking. When scientists debate the causes, it's called a food fight. Here's everything you need to know) RW Article
These three were from Runner's World.
The final was my own concoction of experience and wild idea from Elton John's Saturday Night's Alright (for Fighting).
Good luck to all those doing Boston on Monday!
Technorati Tags : Boston+Marathon, run, running, RBF, Pacers
Friday, April 14, 2006
Runners' bar codes help health, safety officials at big events
This year, the organizers have distributed bar code scanners to the emergency personnel who will scan any one they treat and enable tracking of the runners when they are off the course.
Family and friends will appreciate knowing where their runners are.
Using the system will help prepare for a large emergency.
Sounds like a win-win to me.
Read the article here.
Technorati Tags : bar+codes, run, running, medical+help, Boston+Marathon, RBF
Saturday Night's alright (for sleeping and eating)
"Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting)"
It's getting late have you seen my mates
Ma tell me when the boys get here
It's seven o'clock and I want to rock
Want to get a belly full of beer
Monday, April 10, 2006
1st Annual Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Walk - 4/30/06
1st Annual Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Walk
3-Mile Trail or Paved Road Walk & Family Fun Day!
Sunday, April 30th ~ 9:00 AM
Hopkinton State Park - Split Rock Site, Route 85, Hopkinton, MA
Presented by: The Hopkinton Running Club and Friends of Andy Welzel
All Proceeds Benefit PanCAN (Pancreatic Cancer Action Network – Tax ID 33-0841281)
A Non-profit Organization Focusing on Advocacy, Awareness & Support for Pancreatic Cancer
For additional details and entry forms, visit the Hopkinton Running Club website.
Technorati Tags : pancan, run, running, RBF, Hopkinton, Pacers
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Hollis Apple Country Fast 5K - June 8th
Falmouth Road Race Alert
The Loco Shoe Story
The running shoe market is full of established competitors: Adidas, Nike, New Balance, Saucony, Mizuno, Asics to list the top ones reviewed in a recent Runner’s World shoe issue.
So how does one try and break into this market?
Identify a niche
Most shoe models are changed every year so if a running likes a particular shoe, they can't keep buying it every year. It keeps changing. Some runners really serious about their shoes will go and buy several to keep them around for awhile. So what if a company comes along and guarantees to keep a model active, available and unchanged for 5 years. See the Loco promise.
Put together a team
Recruit some running shoe design experience. Get some marketing experience. Checkout the bios of the founders.
Put together a different approach
Co-sponsor of local road races. Instead of providing t-shirts to runners for the entry fee and souvenir, give them one model of the new shoe in their size.
Big risk.
If the runners don't like the shoe, some may not even enter the race.
If they try it out and don't like it, the word will spread.
Of course, they are hoping that by trying it out and liking it, that this good word will spread.
This is the Loco Shoe story.
If you are running in New England, consider a Loco race!
Technorati Tags : loco, run, running, shoe, niche, marketing
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Boston Marathon Tip
Consider the fact that overall 18 of the 26 miles are run "down hill"... (down defined as the ending elevation for the mile is lower than where it started)
If the course were laid out as an up or down map (PDF), it would look like this:
1 down
You drop 300 feet in elevation in the first 4 miles.
A controlled pace at the start is so crucial to running a good Boston.
Control yourself.
Take your time.
Enjoy the crowd.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Run Track Mind
APRIL is the cruellest month
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Sign of Spring

Sign of Spring
Originally uploaded by shersteve.
If the flowers are blooming, then it must be time for spring or outdoor track?
Yes, it is. The first high school outdoor meet takes place today at Stoughton High School. The Franklin team will travel there to compete in the Hockomock Relays.
I'll be there with watch in hand and ready for the first event.
Ahh, spring! It is good to run outdoors when it is warm.
Technorati Tags : theme, variation, spring, blog, blogging