Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Pace Workout
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Running with Steve, not!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Oh, no its dark again
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Complete Running Network (CRN) now Live!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
FHS Track Workout

FHS Track
Originally uploaded by shersteve.
On the track tonight for the workout with the NC Pacers. Two other buddies showed up, one to walk (Achilles problem) and the other to run.
The night was perfect for running. Sun setting coolness, temp dropping into the 60's. Plenty of folks on the track, most walking, some doing their running/jogging, etc.
Coming to the track, I was planning on 3 x 800's. As I warmed up and was the only one doing so, I decided to start with the 800 as planned and the condense the other 2 x 800's into a single mile. I had not run a mile on the track in a while and felt it was about time.
After the Pacer buddies arrived, and got ready, we determined to keep this new plan. The first half was evenly paced at 3:25. (1:42, 1:43). We did a half walk, half jogged one lap for recovery and went into the mile turning quarters at 1:42, 1:45, 1:43, 1:42 for a 6:52 (and negative splits). Not bad for an old guy!
An easy mile warm down completed the workout.
May the roads/trails be kind to you!
Technorati Tags : run, running, RBF, NCPacers
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Falmouth - Postings Gathered
Falmouth Results - Column Heading Error
Maybe this is why they are still unofficial a week later?
Maybe. I happened to notice that my Place Overall was listed as 1137 and my Place Gender as 1501. How could I have done this? I couldn't but if you switch the column headings it makes perfect sense.
I checked this with some other results where I know for example that three people finished together. Their Place Gender are sequential but their Place Overall are all over the place. It really should be the other way around.
So fair warning for the results. They appear to be good but the column headings are crossed for the Place Overall and Place Gender.
Technorati Tags : Falmouth, run, running, RBF, NCPacers
Friday, August 18, 2006
Falmouth Results Ready
The setting still says "Unofficial Results" but they are updated from what was there previously.
Technorati Tags : Falmouth, run, running, RBF, NCPacers
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Tom's Tavern - Joint Club PubRun
Shoelace Update
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Easy day today
The Pacers will join the Wampanoag and Hopkinton running clubs for a Pub Run at Tom's Tavern in Wrentham this Thursday evening. The course is the flat fast 5k commonly known as the Crackbarrel course with some liquid refreshments at Tom's Tavern post run.
May the roads/trails be kind to you!
Technorati Tags : falmouth, run, running, RBF, NCPacers
Monday, August 14, 2006
Falmouth First Mile

Originally uploaded by shersteve.
You are still in a crowd. You have come out from a tree covered portion of the road as it drops down and opens up to show the Nobska Light ahead and to your left. One of the most picturesque first miles in any races I have run.
You come along a strand and then start the incline shown here and follow the curve of the road around the Nobska Light. Last year it was some Bruce Springsteen playing. This year it was Rocky's Theme. If you are not into running by now, well you should get a check up and step to the side to let others pass.
Technorati Tags : falmouth, run, running, RBF, NCPacers
Falmouth Globe Photo

Originally uploaded by shersteve.
From the Boston Globe, 8/14/2006; Nearly 10,000 runners wound their way toward the one-mile mark at Nobska Lighthouse yesterday during the 34th annual Falmouth Road Race.
(Globe Staff Photo / Matthew J. Lee)
I was in the crowd somewhere. Can you see me? I was wearing my white hat and white NC Pacer shirt. Clearly not the only one with that combination amongst the 10,000 runners. According to the unofficial results, about 8400 runners finished behind me.
Falmouth Starting Line

Originally uploaded by shersteve.
Yes, that is moi on the line with a bike. The picture was taken on Saturday when Dolores and I rode out to Wood's Hole via the Shining Sea Bikeway, a glorious and easy ride.
I was on the line on Sunday without the bike to do the 7 mile run to the finish line in Falmouth. It was a great day to run.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Falmouth - Early results
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Falmouth - 4 Mile Mark

Falmouth - 4 Mile Mark
Originally uploaded by shersteve.
The weather is just delightful here the day before the race. This is the 4 mile mark, freshly painted. The camera angle is deceiving and it appears to be on an up hill. It is not, this section is flat along the beach. The sun ahead of us at this point is still rising at about 7:00 AM. It will be higher in the sky and slightly to our right when we get here on race day.
Good luck to all the Falmouth racers!
May the road/trail be kind to you.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Falmouth - On the lookout
- My picture is available.
- I will be wearing a white baseball cap with either the NE Revolution logo or that of Franklin High School (the Panthers).
- I will also try to wear my white Pacer t-shirts with the big P (for Pacers). One has it on the front, two have it on the back.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Good timing
- Have all the preparations been completed?
- have all the stars lined up?
- Do you really want it?
- Is it a Good day?
- or is it a not-so-good day?