Friday, March 31, 2006
Good & Bad
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Then there were three
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Good 10 Miles Today
Saturday, March 25, 2006
CoComment Problems
We current face massive DNS problems to We are currently hosting our DNS as and they issued the following statement currently experiences massive distributed denial of service attacks against nameservers.
This affects DNS resolution of itself, and also domains which make use of nameservers.
We are very sorry for this issue, but we are working hard for a permanent solution.
Thank you for your understanding.Unfortunately, we are also affected by this and is thus often not reachable from various locations. We are currently trying to move our DNS to another hoster, but that unfortunately takes time and as joker is quite busy it’s probably even harder than usual.
We are really sorry about this and apologize for any inconvenience you encounter. We hope the situation goes back to normal soon.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Foot strength + Flexibility = Improved Running
- walk on the outside of your feet
- walk on the inside of your feet
- walk with a toe in or pigeon toe gait
- walk with the toes out (a la Charlie Chaplin)
- and with your shoes on, walk on your heels.
You'll often see athletes make the mistake of trying to accentuate the stretch by leaning forward at the waist and pulling the stretched leg behind the opposite knee, at this point you've crossed into a different stretch in a poor postural position to do so. Stay straight and maintain a normal lumbar curve for best results.
Technorati Tags : USATF, run, running, flexibility
This posting was also part of the Passionate Runner podcast series and can be found here.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
New Route
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
Map Comparisons Due
Two Steve's - American Runners
What follows here is the outline of my story, the other Steve, the less famous one. Over the coming months, I'll flesh out details into individual posts to cover each of the major periods of my running and accomplishments.
I guess I am in the historical mode recently. Run to Remember triggering my journey back through my first log book. I did not keep records during high school but I do have records from the summer before college (1972) through to current time. I kept a log of each day I ran, where or how far, sometimes including the weather and who with.
The first log is a small lined brown notebook. I used to see these frequently in the drug store stationary section. This log book lasted from 1972 through to 1980 with the exception of 1979. I have a notation that "the records will be kept in the new log until that is filled" and then the next entry in this book is January 2, 1980. I need to dig into other archives looking for this single year log book. It is probably one from Runner's World.
Most of the records for the 1980's I kept on a computer database. Yes, I had gotten my first computer in 1982 for use during my MBA studies. I still have the system and have the floppy 5 1/4 inch diskettes but have not turned the system on to get into the program to read the entries. I do know that most of the 1980's and 90's were weeks of 1-3 miles a day, no more than 9 - 15 miles per week. A few races here and there. My married life, new job, MBA during night school, and then the birth of our two daughters took priority over my running time.
The girls grew up and became active first with soccer, then swimming, and finally in high school switched to running. Only when they switched to running did I get a chance to do more than the minimum. I volunteered to help the middle school team learn the baton pass. I continued volunteering with this coach when he (and my daughter) moved to high school, actually getting an honorary letter for the help I provided.
Over time as our computers changed, I realized that if I really wanted to keep a log I would have to do better about transferring the data from one system to another. In 2000, I started an Excel file to keep the numbers on the days and miles, along with a hand written log to record the weather routes, etc.
As you may recall in the fall of 2004, I joined a local running club, the Norfolk County Pacers and began running with them in earnest. The girls no longer needed me to be home after supper to help them with their home work. Allison was away for her first year at college, and Carolyn was a junior in high school. I switched from running alone in the mornings to running in the evenings with the Pacers. This schedule evolved into Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday with the 3 day FIRST program and with a few exceptions is the norm today.
So for my historical running periods, I have no records of what I did during high school (other than the school yearbook). I have good daily records for college and the six years after that I was teaching and coaching. Once I switched to the business world, got married, etc. the miles tampered off but the 3-4 days per week activity was kept up. Then in 2004, I got into running with the club and am making progress in getting into something like the shape I had once upon a time.
Technorati Tags : run, running, RBF, records
A coaching I will go - Updated
Friday, March 17, 2006
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Thursday, March 16, 2006
A coaching I will go
I am looking forward to it. The schedule appears to have late nights Friday and Saturday so I don't know how much writing I'll get in while I am there.
I'll at least keep you posted on what happened after!
Catch you later....
Technorati Tags : run, running, RBF, USATF, coaching
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Reminder - Map Comparison
If you need more time, drop me a line.
For a recap on what we are about check out these:
Running Route Map Comparison
Running Route Software Survey
Technorati Tags : run, running, RBF
Monday, March 13, 2006
Run to Remember
Friday, March 10, 2006
Wrong turns
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Running Route Software Survey
Check out the Map Comparison for the listing of the sites and introduction to the comparison.
For each site you can use the same set of six questions.
Be sure to include the site name with each set of your responses.
Site name:_____________________
Q1 - How easy was it to create your short (1 - 5 mile) run?
Easy, Okay, Hard (select one)
Q2 - How easy was it to create your long (6 - 26 mile) run?
Easy, Okay, Hard (select one)
Q3 - Can you name this route?
Yes, No (select one)
Q4 - Can you share this route?
Yes, No (select one)
Q5 - Would you recommend using this site?
Yes, No (select one)
Q6 - Why?
(please add some specifics that you liked or did not like about this site.)
Please send all responses to me by March 19th!
I'll compile the results and publish them before the end of March.
Thanks for your help in this!
Technorati Tags : run, running, map, comparison
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Half mile workout
Monday, March 06, 2006
Einstein Endorsement
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Map Comparison
FeedBurner issue/Resolved
Updated- thanks to some guidance from Rick Klau, the issue appears to be resolved! Thanks Rick!